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Khách hàng Mỹ

Lượt xem:99 Thời gian xuất bản: 2021-01-14

Khách hàng Mỹ

Wuxi Boyu Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd. is the governing unit of China Resilient Flooring Association. We do not need to propagandize specifically our equipment and service. Examples can explain everything.

Recently, we have successfully cooperated with customers in the United States. Our staff went to the customer's factory to debug the equipment, and the commissioning was successful. The cooperation between the two parties is happy. The customers are very satisfied with our equipment and service, and take pictures with our staff.

We attentively bring special quality equipment for industry customers with advanced extrusion concepts and solid extrusion technology. Creating value for customers is the constant pursuit of every person serving Boyu Plastic Machinery!


The above picture presents the successful corporation with US. The American customers show great trust and satisfaction in our products, proving that our products are trustworthy and of use. 

If you want to seek reliable flooring production line or melt-brown production line etc., Boyu offers professional plastic sheet extrusion machine for you and would be your best choice.